Saturday, August 11, 2012


I remember devouring one of these tasty entrees after an exhausting day of hiking on one of my first camping trips.  Recently while I was perusing my local Army Navy surplus store, I found Mountain House's 72 hour survival pack for $51.50.  Whether you're heading out into the wilderness for a few days or stockpiling for an emergency situation, you'll be pleased with this purchase.

Mountain House 72 hour emergency meal kit:

The only prep required for these meals is boiling water!
  1. Boil Water - 2 cups max, two much and the food will be too watery!
  2. Open bag and pour water inside
  3. Close bag (it's resealable)
  4. Wait for the indicated time as the food is rehydrating
  5. Open the bag and pour out any excess water
  6. Enjoy your easy meal!
Eating right out of the bag conserves water that you would to use to wash dishes with and completely eliminates clean up time if you need to be on the move.

Even if you don't plan on using these meals for a while, it's reassuring to know that you've got easy to prepare food available to you for an unexpected camping trip or if you're just feeling lazy!
Welcome to Prepare to Survive!

Let's first address the recent awareness of emergency preparedness through television.  Programs (I won't mention by name) that cover people preparing for a multitude of catastrophes including:

HYPERINFLATION - rendering currency useless, therefore causing power grid failure and economic collapse
POWER GRID FAILURE - the failure of electricity caused by a solar storm or economic collapse
ECONOMIC COLLAPSE - collapse of the market from hyperinflation which would lead to power grid failure
(Hyperinflation isn't the only way the economy could collapse, I was using it above for linkage) purposes
Natural disasters - Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, etc...
Nuclear War/Gas Attack
Widespread disease
The USA becoming a police state
(I certainly understand that some may consider it already to be so considering the NDAA)

The "preppers" of these television programs were distinguished by ONE disaster they were preparing for.  I instantly questioned why they would have prepared so specifically considering the variety of disasters that could occur.  Most of the preppers could survive a multitude of disasters, but they were associated with only one so that a new disaster could be explained in each new episode.  If everyone was CLEARLY shown preparing for multiple disasters, there would be less to look forward to in each new program.  In conclusion, although many of the preppers were cross-preped for many types of emergency situations, there were several who had a focus that only incorperated one.

As a budding prepper, I decided that one of my goals would be to "cross-prep" to ensure that my supplies would be applicable for as many emergencies as possible.  I began with food, water filtration, tools for defense, shelter, and sanitation because they are the basic necessities that must be ensured to survive any catastrophe.